Eye Movement

Eye Movement Simulator


Vergences are binocular dysconjugate movements in which the two eyes move in opposite directions (the eyes need to converge to see a single image at near, and need to diverge to see a single image at distance)


Vergences are binocular dysconjugate movements in which the two eyes move in opposite directions (the eyes need to converge to see a single image at near, and need to diverge to see a single image at distance).

Tillauxs Spiral

What is the Spiral of Tillaux? This is the “spiral” that describes the insertion of the rectus muscles in relation to the limbus.

Superior Oblique

The superior oblique is a muscle that belongs to the extraocular group of muscles that control eye movements.

right eye ductions

Contraction of the right medial results in adduction of the right eye (i.e., movement of the right eye towards the left).

Inferior Rectus

Inferior rectus In the neutral position, this muscle is responsible for depression, extorsion (outward, rotational movement) and adduction.

Eye Muscle Movements

There are six eye muscles that control eye movement. One muscle moves the eye to the right, and one muscle moves the eye to the left. 1 In2 Up & In3 Down & In4 Out5 Up & Out6 Down & Out [swf:https://www.optometrial.com/manual/eyemusclemovements.swf 480 480]   Z Type Tonometer Applanation $$150 Details Ophthalmoscope DM6D $120 Details [...]

Deviation Simulator

Standard deviation is a statistical measure of diversity or variability in a data set.

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